After assessing the particular needs of the congregation, HCH conflict mediation facilitators formulate a plan through which the congregation can be led on a path towards healing and reconciliation. Crises in the church are often complex and those affected can be deeply wounded. Because of this, the healing process often takes time.
Initially, a congregation may be led through Restorative Conversations, a process in which all members of the congregation share a meal and are invited into dialogue, sharing their stories and reflecting together on their own perceptions. Often led by Brian, this group process becomes foundational for gaining new insights into each other and breaking down the walls of division and misunderstanding.
Our facilitators covenant with the congregation to remain engaged and active in bringing about healing and helping the congregation move forward again.
Each congregational Plan of Care is uniquely suited to the specific needs which emerge through the assessment process. Ongoing follow-up led by Bob may include:
- Mediated conversations
- Facilitated staff process sessions
- Reviews, learning assessments and consultations with groups such as Nominating Committees, Pastoral Care Committees, etc.